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Lösningsfokuserade Nyheter

Olika former av nyheter med lösningsfokuserad anknytning från SFLK, EBTA och andra.


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Idag måndag 13/9 20.00 är vår ständigt lösningsfokuserade ordförande Jonas Wells med på en process som startades av Ayse Adil i London om klimatkrisen och hur föräldrar kan prata med sina barn om den. Han deltar är tillsammans med Peter Szabo, Brian Jennings och en ung 17 åring aktivist från London.

FBS Chat Climate Crises - Raising awareness with ENCAF - YouTube -

Idag 210913 kl 20.00

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Welcome to a continuing of a unique solution-focused experiment:

SF Creative Silence Workshop

Inspired by stories of people getting together silently to read, write and think while learning, Anton Stellamans (Belgium) and Jonas Wells (Sweden, SFLK) are offering spaces for engaging with the most important resource available to us – you and your resources.

The space is created with very few rules: 1. We work on something related to solution-focused practice (reading, writing, watching, thinking, drawing, meditating, composing, a project or any other creative work…) 2. We work in silence with all our microphones turned off (and no talking even in the chat) and preferably with our videos turned on 3. After exactly 90 minutes we engage with each other and share, if you like to, what are you particularly happy about what is emerging for you.

We started doing monthly SF Creative Workshops in May 2020 and we are encouraged to keep this experiment going. So we have scheduled one workshop per month September to January 2022! Note that there are two different links depending on who is hosting. Please join any or all of them 😊:

Friday 17th of September at 14.00-16.00 CET (Central European Time) - Jonas hosting Friday 15th of October at 14.00-16.00 CET (Central European Time) – Anton hosting Friday 12th of November at 14.00-16.00 CET (Central European Time) – Anton hosting Friday 17st of December at 14.00-16.00 CET (Central European Time) – Jonas hosting Friday 14th of January at 14.00-16.00 CET (Central European Time) – Jonas hosting

Zoom link for hosting by Jonas (September, December and January) Meeting ID: 818 7669 3022 Passcode: 139024

Zoom link for hosting by Anton (October and November) Meeting ID: 853 3143 4627 Passcode: 351545

No registration necessary and also free of charge. Our Zoom account enables max 100 participants. We would love to see you there – and please help us get this invitation to others. A smile and a warm welcome is guaranteed to all!

Anton Stellamans & Jonas Wells

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